Peanut Butter 350 Gr


    8,05 8,05 8.05 USD

    67,41 ₺

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    As soon as the lid of the Calve Peanut Butter jar brings the taste of peanuts to your table, you will be greeted by an appetizing peanut scent.

    Unique Flavor and High Energy of Peanuts

    Calve Peanut Butter, which has high nutritional values, meets a significant part of the daily energy need. For this reason, peanut butter, which athletes love to consume, is a satisfying option for snacks. Paste, which can be mixed with honey to make the taste of peanut butter sweeter, can be spread on bread for breakfast. Starting the day with the wonderful taste of peanut butter and high nutritional values brings energy and vitality.
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