Red Bean 2 kg


    7,61 7,61 7.61 USD

    63,75 ₺

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    Yayla Red Beans 2 Kg
    Harvesting red mullet, one of the delicious and beneficial grains of Anatolian cuisine, in its most natural form, Yayla Red Beans is found in kitchens as the main ingredient of delicious recipes.

    With its rich nutritional values, kidney beans are both a healthy and satisfying food source; Besides its dense protein content, it contains high levels of Magnesium, potassium and Phosphorous.

    Keeping kidney beans and similar grains in cold water for 10-12 hours before cooking shortens the cooking time. It is recommended that Yayla Red Beans should be kept in a cool and dry place.

    Nutrition Values
    Food Items 100 g / ml
    Others (g) 23,2
    Carbohydrates (g) 38.8
    Saturated Fats (g) 0.3
    Energy (kcal) 299.0
    Sugar (g) 4.4
    Salts (g) 0.1
    Energy (kJ) 1251.0
    Oil(g) 1.5
    Protein (g) 21.1
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